Smart Education Consultants offers support throughout a student’s journey. From initial enquiry through to graduation SmartEd is able to guide and signpost students with any issues that may arise. Whether it be student finance applications or advice and guidance on which course is best suited for you, the SmartEd team is ready to assist

University/College application support

Our team are here to help you with the complete University/college enrolment process and beyond. From initial advice and guidance to application forms and enrolment, our experienced staff are able to make your enrolment process clear and efficient as possible.

Student Finance England application

Applying for finance can be confusing and mistakes in applications often lead to lengthy delays. Our team deal with finance applications on a daily basis and are able to make sure your application is done correctly. They are able to guide you through the application process, apply for additional funding if applicable and even speak to Student Finance on your behalf.

Council Tax exemption application support

Students on some Higher Education courses may be exempt from paying council tax. We can guide you with the necessary documentation and procedure to apply for this exemption through your Higher Education institution and local council.

Child Care Grant application support

Student Finance England provides child care grants to eligible parents. This is to cover child care costs whilst students are studying. Our team can explain how this works and also help with applying for the grant. We may also be able to signpost you to eligible child minders in the local area.

Student Bank Account application support

Most banks offer student accounts for students. They often have different benefits, including overdraft, discounts and vouchers. We are able to give you the information you need to decide which account is most suitable for you.

Academic Support Services

We have in house Literacy and numeracy training programmes to assist you with these subjects. These are free programmes offered to prospective students in order to improve your understanding of the subjects as well as give an idea of what the enrolment procedure may involve.